I Guess We Knew This Day Was Coming....

Google Reader is going away soon....apparently in the next three weeks? I've been hearing about this pretty frequently for quite awhile, but now I suppose it's inevitable. What I would loooove is for all of you lovely little readers to stick with me if you would be so kind.

My personal favorite way to keep up with my favorite blogs is Bloglovin'. I've been using it now for well over a year and it is the perfect way to keep all of the bajillion blogs I like to read organized. I have groups for my "must reads", "fashion", "mommy blogs", etc. It tells you how many unread posts you have (you don't even want to know how behind I've gotten since little man's arrival) and keeps everything real nice and neat for ya. If you currently are using Google Reader, check out this post or this post for some guidance on how to make the switch.

And if you want to continue following along with me (please do!) then head on over to my little Bloglovin' profile right here and hit the follow button. I swear eventually I will post about something other than my son. Someday. Promise.

But not today. Just look at that face! As long as he's this cute it's gonna be hard to resist ;)


  1. Those chubby legs are too much! So adorable!

  2. What a little pumpkin! He is so darn cute! I love Bloglovin, and obviously have you on there girlfriend!

  3. Oh my gosh he is so cute! Post all you want about him because those pictures are too cute. Already following via Bloglovin!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment...each and every one makes my day just a little bit brighter!