This weekend we're getting the crib, so one big step in the right direction. Also, I took the entire day off of work tomorrow, because I know once I find out what it is I'm going to want to go straight to Babies R Us or something and shop and register. Everything is becoming so very real now. My belly is starting to pop out a little more all the time, and I know that I should be feeling kicks any day crazy!
Due Date
May 1, 2013
This Week Baby A....
Is about the size of a bell pepper. At five and half inches and five ounces, I should start feeling movement any time now. The most fun thing I read about this week is that the baby is developing yawning and hiccuping skills. I don't know why, but that is so adorable to me.
I feel like I'm starting to hit that sweet spot of the second trimester that I've heard so much about. I feel so much better in nearly every way. The only problem I'm having is some lower back pain and feeling tired, but when I read the looong list of common symptoms that I could be having, I really can't complain.
Weight Gain
From my mom's scales, it appears that I've gained seven altogether...we'll see when I go to the doc if her scales are in line with theirs.
Gender (prediction)
Ahhh I have no idea! We find out tomorrow and I CAN'T WAIT!
Food Cravings/Aversions
Food Cravings/Aversions
Still nothing too serious. I've been eating a lot of Frosted Mini Wheats this week...
Still not feeling anything...I'm getting anxious!
SO much better! I only have to get up usually once, maybe twice, to visit the bathroom, and other than tossing and turning a bit I'm much more comfortable. Woohoo!
What I Miss
Back to Dirty Martinis. We were pretty social this last weekend, and just watching so many people sip on yummy beverages really had me craving just a teeny little sip. Ah well. I'm sure the baby appreciates it.
Daddy's Thoughts
Super excited to find out what Baby A is! He's pulling for a boy, although I'm pretty sure he will be secretly delighted if it's a girl.
Super excited to find out what Baby A is! He's pulling for a boy, although I'm pretty sure he will be secretly delighted if it's a girl.
Fun Moments
Meeting up with friends for the first time since my belly popped. Every one is so sweet and's going to be so much fun to share this with so many sweet friends.
Looking Forward To
Tomorrow!!! FINALLY finding out if it's pink or blue for Baby A...can't wait! Also, I'm beyond ready to feel those first little kicks :)
Looking Forward To
Tomorrow!!! FINALLY finding out if it's pink or blue for Baby A...can't wait! Also, I'm beyond ready to feel those first little kicks :)

Finding out the sex is such an exciting time! With both of mine I genuinely "just knew" and I was right twice. :) Your little belly is so cute!
ReplyDeleteoh yay! so excited for you!!!
ReplyDeleteI wanna cry I'm so excited for you! YAY YAY YAY! Today is going to be such a special day and one that you will remember forever. I still remember everything about the day that I found out Leila was a girl. I returned to work (big mistake) and spent the rest of the day just staring at her ultrasound pics and daydreaming. Can't wait to find out what you're having! :-) Please keep us posted ASAP!
ReplyDeleteOh, and I must say that I never really believed in the whole pregnancy glow thing, but you totally have it! Stunning!
ReplyDeleteeeeek so do you know the sex!!!???!?!
ReplyDeletei've been totally out of the blogging loop lately and i am just now catching up! i can't believe i have been missing all this good news! congratulations to you guys!!!!! i am so excited for you and boy or girl, that is going to be one beautiful little baby!!!!
Yay! You totally do have pregnancy glow going on, you look great! :)
ReplyDeleteyou two are SO cute! I love that scarf and I'm glad you're feeling better.