I know.
Basically, I have been completely slacking on this and I would just let it go BUT it was Grayson's first Christmas and I feel like I have to document it. So I'm gonna be short on words and heavy on pictures and once this is done I won't feel like a terrible mommy blogger who skipped over her baby's FIRST CHRISTMAS.
So here we go.

Grayson got more gifts than any 8 month old baby ever should. He got so many gifts that I still will get in his toy box and pull out something I don't remember seeing. He absolutely loved it, although sometimes he seemed to be a bit overwhelmed by it all.
And don't worry, Addie was almost as spoiled as Grayson. She got several gifts from my family, and Santa brought her a few things, too. She looooves opening presents, and it was so super overwhelming for me to try and keep up with her and Grayson at the same time. How do parents of more than one kid handle Christmas?
But aside from that, it pretty much was amazing and fun and wonderful and memorable and all of the things that a baby's first Christmas should be. It was by far the best Christmas I've ever had, and I can't wait until next year when he really gets it and is super excited.
Loved it, love him, love you guys. See ya tomorrow.
It looks like you guys had a great holiday! But I totally agree, it's overwhelming and exhausting and just A LOT.